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Managing & healing substance abuse: a journey of wisdom & compassion.

Healing substance abuse shamanic meditation.

Understanding the nature of purification is a profound opportunity in this physical life.

Working with the power of breath and aligning to The Source of Creation

This thought-provoking video explains how understanding and aligning your chakras can lead to significant spiritual breakthroughs.

Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Rita Hraiz as they explore the foundations of Dream Yoga.

Imagine a future where conscious conception and deep respect for each other's souls lead to healthier relationships and spiritual growth. We can move beyond dysfunction and emotional blockages to a place of true intimacy and connection.

We’ll journey through the complexities of intimacy, authenticity, and the push-pull dynamics that often arise in relationships. I’ll share insights from my experience working with hundreds of couples, revealing how your relationship can become a profound spiritual practice—a path to discovering your own stainless purity and eternal self.

This is a deep transformational shamanic activation. Perfect for calling back the places where you abandoned your self and to call in The Holy I Am presence of the Eternal Light of You. Working through your central channel and becoming more aware of your subtle bodies.

Live Workshop at Medicine Festival, 2024. Rita offers a profoundly uplifting inspiring talk about the Unprecedented Awakening on this Earth and how we can each play our part within The Divine Plan through becoming an embodiment of peace.

Allowing Love

  • The rise of shamanism and spiritual seeking:. 0.33

  • Ignoring loving intelligence and embracing souls light. 5.07

  • Spiritual growth and overcoming personal struggles. 11.37

  • True love, & codependency. 18.29

  • Breath-work and AI’s role in human evolution. 33.45

  • The power of prayer and love. 1.03.09

  • Guided Meditation and energy healing. 1:10.44

In our journey towards spiritual enlightenment, we recognize the profound importance of 'Allowing Love'. This deep exploration of our being invites us to connect authentically with the Great Spirit, helping us to create a direct relationship with the Creator. Our collective thirst for a genuine connection signifies a desire to transcend traditional spiritual paths, seeking solace and meaning in a more natural, personal communion with the divine.

As we navigate our spiritual awakening, we are called to face the shadows within us, transforming every moment into an opportunity for growth, propelled by love. This process of inner and outer exploration is a testament to our quest for understanding and the universal embrace of love.

It's about making choices that nurture our soul and the world, guided by a divine loving intelligence.

This path is not solely for personal growth but serves as a beacon for collective awakening, ushering in an era of harmony, peace, and universal love. 'Allowing Love' in our lives guides us toward a future filled with joy, peace, and oneness, embodying the principles of compassion, wisdom, and unconditional love in every aspect of our existence.

Let us walk this sacred path together, allowing love to illuminate our way, guiding us toward a world where every action is an act of love.

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