A 6 Month Journey for Couples - £900 (RRP £1200)
Begins Sep 2024.

This is an invitation from my heart to join The Light of Love Series, designed to help hold clear space for couples to be inspired on a monthly basis through live calls, discourse, and shamanic journeying. This will help you harmonise at an atomic level and open to the highest bliss states, experiencing an entirely new level of being.

Whatever your situation, if you are on a spiritual path and want to create more consciousness in your relationship, including how to have conscious closure and transform the “Blame Game,” this opportunity will support you on every level to harmonise and enrich your relationship through transforming subconscious projections and journeying somatically together.

This six-month series provides a nurturing space for couples to connect at the soul level, integrating wisdom from Tibetan, Vedic, and Taoist traditions. It transcends ego-level discord, allowing couples to support each other in a safe, sacred space.

The Light of Love - Call Dates


6 Monthly Live Sessions: Join live Zoom sessions each month, featuring deep discourse, wisdom sharing, practical exercises, opportunity for Q&A and somatic shamanic journeying. Begins Sep - February.

Access to Exclusive Resources: Receive downloadable recordings of each session, along with additional materials and practices to deepen your practice between meetings. You will also be access these resources in a private members area upon registration.

Incredible Value: Only £150 per couple per month. This series offers an exceptional opportunity to deepen your connection and invest in your union, whether you're navigating challenging times or looking to expand an already conscious relationship.

Enhanced Monthly Meditations: In addition to the live shamanic journeys, Rita will guide you through a beautifully personalised crafted meditation each month. These sessions are designed for couples to practice together, preparing you for the next month’s live session and deepening your connection

Personalised Support: Submit questions before each session and receive personalised guidance during live interactions. Couples will also have the opportunity to discuss their challenges in real-time for collective learning.

In-Person Retreat Opportunity: Participate in an exclusive Couples Retreat in Sri Lanka, February 2025. (10 Couples Only - Reach out here)

  • "The wisdom and teachings you share resonate deeply with my entire being. The last few months have been challenging, but I trusted, I surrendered to it, and I believed so strongly in the medicine of it. I dared to open my heart during these painful times, trusting that love would help me through. While away, we had a beautiful day where we talked, cried, and reconnected so profoundly. I felt you, I felt the medicine of Mahamudra and this gave me such a profound boost of energy. We realigned with each and understood why we are together, which is beyond this lifetime. Thank you so much for giving me this gift, all the tools, and the confidence that I can do this. I really honor you, Rita."


  • "The couples retreat offered the unique opportunity to meet and connect with couples from all over the world. It was inspiring to witness the diverse expressions of love among participants. For anyone looking to address challenges in their relationship or deepen their connection, this retreat is invaluable. I'm already looking forward to the next one!"


  • ""Before studying with you, I was in a tough emotional and financial place, battling anxiety, fear, and potential homelessness. Despite my initial reluctance, the learning proved to be deeply transformative. It shifted my perspective profoundly; my business began to thrive, leading to new opportunities and partnerships worldwide. This positive change has enabled me to assist others globally. The course was hugely significant to my healing journey, and it has enabled such positive prospects in my life and outlook, making me forever grateful for the experience.""

    O. SMITH

  • "My experience at the Conscious Couples Retreat was truly transformative. I went in to the retreat hoping to deepen my spiritual connection to my partner and what transpired was so much more than I could have hoped. The safety and support provided by Rita and her team, coupled with my partner's presence, allowed me to go so much deeper in my own work which then brought me into such deep presence and openness in our relating. Having the space to meet ourselves first so that we can then show up for our partners in a pure way is something that resonates for me so deeply and having the space to actually practice this in various sessions offered was so profound."


  • "Thank you so much for the transformative retreat this weekend. The sessions resonated deeply, providing clarity and comfort during these challenging times. Your guidance helped me navigate personal struggles, including recent tough decisions and emotional barriers, with newfound trust in myself. The diverse topics, from different planes of consciousness to facing our shadows, have enriched my understanding and practice, inspiring profound shifts in my perspective. I left feeling reassured, empowered, and eager to apply the insights gained, especially the impactful shamanic journey and mantra practices. Looking forward to future retreats!"

    C. A

  • "This is N from Sri Lanka, now writing from Melbourne, Australia! I moved here two months ago, starting a new chapter in my life. I’m celebrating one year sober from alcohol and drugs, a journey that began when I first attended your training program, which profoundly impacted my life. The strength and willpower I've discovered, especially after losing my brother, are gifts from those sessions. I thank you so much for your compassion and your ability to support me and many others through so many degrees of suffering—you are a blessing."


This Couples Series is a comprehensive six-month program dedicated to enriching relationships through spiritual practices. It moves beyond conventional teachings to offer a complete transmission of ancient wisdom and practical insights. It will integrate the profound teachings of the Tibetan tantric lineages, the Vedic traditions, and Taoist philosophies, helping couples transcend ego-level conflicts and connect at the deepest levels of their souls.

The approach is centered on understanding the spiritual purpose of being together, allowing couples to support one another in a nurturing, sacred space that encourages personal and mutual growth. By aligning with the source of creation and dissolving discord, couples can illuminate their relationship with the light of their shared awareness and journey together harmoniously.

The sessions are meticulously designed to be both profound and practical, covering various aspects of relational dynamics, including shadow work and projection exploration. Couples will learn to understand the essence of love and sacred commitment, sustaining a relationship that is free from neediness and filled with genuine, inner fulfilment.


Embracing All Stages of Relationships

Relationships evolve through various stages. Some couples may have come together when they were young, initially driven by physical attraction that might have waned over time. You love each other deeply and don't want to let go, or perhaps you remain together for the sake of your children. Every stage of a relationship is welcome in this journey, whether you are deeply sensitive, a practitioner of meditation, or someone seeking high-level teachings, this program offers immense value.

Advanced practices are tailored to suit all levels. In Tibetan Buddhism, paths like Mahayana and Dzogchen cater to individuals at different stages of their journey.

Regardless of where you are, whether feeling blocked, angry, stuck, in avoidance, struggling with truth, in a power struggle, projecting, or blaming, this program is here to support you. Additionally, it welcomes those ready to attune, harmonize, and transcend the physical, emotional, and mental bodies to reach the spacious, clear light of the highest bliss.

Healing Past Wounds:
 In your relating, has there been hurt or betrayal? Are you unsure how to hold each other in the highest light? This series will help bring light to your situations, nurturing the patience, love, and compassion needed to heal.

Deepening Intimacy: Do you feel a longing to deepen your intimacy and connection but are unsure how to bridge the gap? The practices will guide you in creating a profound bond beyond physical attraction.

Navigating Conflict: Are conflicts and misunderstandings creating a distance between you and your partner? Learn techniques to navigate and resolve conflicts with grace and understanding.

Emotional Connection: Do you find it challenging to connect emotionally with your partner? Discover ways to open your heart and create a safe space for emotional vulnerability and sharing.

Spiritual Growth: Are you seeking to align your relationship with your spiritual path? Explore how to integrate spiritual practices into your daily life together, enhancing your spiritual journey as a couple.

Renewing Passion: Has the initial passion in your relationship faded? Find new ways to ignite and sustain passion, transforming your love into a living, dynamic force.

Creating a Sacred Space: Do you want to create a sacred, safe space for growth and awakening in your relationship? The series will guide you in cultivating a sacred environment for your love to thrive.

Pathways To Deeper Connection.

Series Subjects

September | Chapter 1
What is Sacred Union & White Tantra?

  • Establishing a safe container and commitments of loving-kindness. Setting a tone for this 6-month journey whereby you commit to never weaponize the vulnerability and trust you are both cultivating as you open and awaken to so much more intimacy - in-to-me-I-see.

    Elevating your relationship from mundane to sacred, with insights on how to give everything mundane a new level of meaning by purifying the mind and deeply honouring each other. Transforming from ‘boring and distasteful’ to ‘opening to magnificence.’

    • Healing from projections and past wounds.

    • Understanding both your soul purpose together and the immense opportunity that can arise from both committing to hold a sacred container for each other's growth.

    • Connecting consciously soul to soul through profound guided meditation practice.

    • Sacred shamanic journey to honor your soul purpose of being together.

October | Chapter 2
Unification: Inner
and Outer

  • Understanding our own wounding and control dramas and how they manifest as power struggles and inauthentic manipulative game-playing that leads to misery and dissatisfaction.

  • Tools and tips for transforming inner discord and outer conflict. We look at sacred practices to take care of your own needs, so as not to dump your stress onto each other and open to meeting at a whole new level of inner peace.

  • Developing new pathways to heal from expectations and resentments.

    • Developing communication without blame and taking responsibility for our feelings.

    • Guided shamanic journey to hold each other in the highest light beyond body consciousness.

November | Chapter 3
Honouring Each Other's Bodies Physically

  • Working with presence, attunements to the presence in the present, and your own eternal light, making this an offering to your beloved.

  • Inspirational tools and tips for sacred touch, working with sacred gateways in the body to activate creativity, pleasure, and healing.

  • Understanding true intimacy, opening to the presence to gift this to each other.

  • Pure view, holding your mind clear, opening to the presence of the Buddhas in union with their consorts, understanding your innate divinity.

    • Transforming lust to love. Many people, when awakening, know in their hearts they are not satisfied sexually through an act of lust, and yet old habits die hard. We will explore transforming lust into love.

    • Shamanic journey to open to allow love to enter.

December | Chapter 4
Conscious Alignment to Source of Creation

  • Generating generosity in lovemaking and all life.

  • Healing from disappointment and imbalanced giving and receiving.

  • Developing etheric sensitivity, sharing inspirations and techniques to open awareness to an entirely new world of touch and energy pathways in the subtle realms.

  • Working together energetically. This can be utterly sublime and takes lovemaking to an entirely new dimension.

    • Offering each other healing, this is such a gift to be able to give and receive. No previous experience needed.

    • Shamanic journey offering our alignment to source activation and unification in the one.

January | Chapter 5
Opening to
New Gateways

  • In White Tantra, there can never be boredom. Here we practice moving past the lower mind.

  • Opening to sacred erotic, opening consciously to invite the great Shakti primal force to ignite your body.

  • Purification of the inner winds and channels through the power of mantra and visualisation and understanding of the highest tantras.

  • Creating a sacred practice together with the plants, discussing beautiful practices and the do’s and don’ts.

    • Shamanic journey exploring gateways through the tongue and Lingam and Yoni elevation of the sacred seed.

February | Chapter 6
Transparency, Freedom, Trust, Truth, Pristine Impeccability

  • This month we explore how we can polarise, honour, and serve each other fully in this awakening in the sacred marriage of body, speech, and mind in our spiritual commitment to the one, without possession and projection, and in the utmost purity that leads to the deepest joy.

  • In this deepened sacred relationship, we can open to dance a dance of the ultimate celebration.

  • Going past self-consciousness, embracing true authenticity.

    • The Offering - Are you ready to offer yourself wholeheartedly to the beloved through each other?

    • Reset ritual - Creating a truly beautiful offering in honor of your commitments.

  • "In February 2024 my husband and I were at Rita’s couples retreat in Sri Lanka. We have been working with Rita for over 3 years (online and offline) and I have to say that the richness in Rita’s wisdom, discourses and retreats have been life-changing for both of us. Rita and her team consistently provide a strong, sacred container for each of us to explore this art of healing, which I find incredibly valuable and unique. The amount of care, commitment and beauty in every little detail is immense. The retreat’s ceremonies, discourses and workshops have unfolded into many eye openers we, as a couple, were ready to see. Additionally, the interaction with other couples is a significant gift, as we all learn so much from each other’s authenticity. My husband and I are now walking a new path in an unexpectedly new direction. Thank you Rita for holding us so dearly."


  • “The Sunday session was truly profound, offering deep insights and personal growth. Your teachings, both sweet and transformative, empowered me to face my shadows and heal. The structure of the day allowed for meaningful integration, and your guidance made me feel safe and supported. I am deeply grateful for the wisdom you shared.”


  • "By far the most advanced, in-depth & life changing course I have studied."


  • “The experience awakes one to the truth of sacredness, of self and other.”


What You Need
To Know

When & Where?

September 2024 - Mark Your Calendars!

We are excited to announce that the Light of Love Series will begin on September 27th, 2024, and will be conducted via Zoom. Upon registration, you will gain exclusive access to our private members area. Here, you will find all the program dates (scheduled 4 weeks apart), session links, additional resources, playback content, and much more.


Monthly Live Zoom Sessions

  • Time: 7 PM - 10 PM (UK Time) - Once you sign up you will see all dates and links inside your couples members area.

  • Format: Deep discourse, wisdom sharing, practical exercises, Q&A, and a somatic shamanic meditation.

  • Recording: Sessions will be recorded and provided to participants along with practices to be done before the next live session.

Access to Recordings and Resources

  • Participants will receive a downloadable link to the 3-hour call along with homework.

  • At the end of the course, a final meditation especially for intimacy will be provided.

  • All content will be accessible through a private members area on the website, including links to live calls and other resources.

Early Bird

  • Pay £900 by September 18th, 2024

  • Save £300

  • After 10th September, the full price will be £1200

Early Bird + Exclusive Coaching Session

  • Pay £1150 by September 18th, 2024

  • Includes 2 Hour Wisdom Counsel Session with Rita (Value £340)

  • Total Value: £1540, save £400.


  • Yes, upon registration, you will gain access to a private member area where all sessions are recorded and uploaded the following day. One of the key aspects of this series is that it can be accessed and completed in the privacy of your own home, at a time that is convenient for you, while still receiving guidance and support from Rita.

  • Yes, upon registration, you will gain access to a private member area, which houses all recorded live calls. You can watch these at your own time and in the privacy of your own home. Additionally, you can continue to join the upcoming live calls.

  • All live sessions are recorded and available in the member area, allowing you to catch up at your convenience. With one month between most sessions, there is ample time to watch and complete the meditations with your partner, ensuring you both stay engaged and benefit fully from the course.

  • Absolutely! This course is designed to enhance connection and understanding, whether your relationship is thriving or needs something extra to bring you both back into deeper harmony.

  • This series can provide new perspectives and tools for healing and deeper union. It addresses topics such as navigating conflict, emotional connection, deepening intimacy, and healing past wounds. For more insights into what will be covered, do take a look at the series subjects on the webpage.

  • Unfortunately, this particular series is designed specifically for those currently in relationships and may not be suitable for single individuals. However, Rita offers other workshops that are perfect for those looking to develop themselves personally.

  • The tools and exercises provided can be adapted to remote formats, allowing both partners to access the teachings and the bonus meditation included after each session through the private member area. These activities can be done remotely from one another, offering a perfect opportunity to practice and enhance your connection further.

  • All participants are encouraged to maintain confidentiality to create a safe, trusting environment for sharing personal experiences. Recordings of the sessions are not shared publicly and are only exclusively available to those enrolled in the series, ensuring privacy and security for all participants.

  • The course primarily includes group sessions. However, for those seeking private, bespoke support, consider joining our "Early Bird with Wisdom Counsel" option. This package includes a dedicated 2-hour Couples Coaching Session with Rita, taken before, during, or after the series. Additionally, Rita offers a Couples Counsel program for personalised support, which can be combined with this series for comprehensive guidance.

  • Participants will have ongoing access to all course materials and recorded sessions in the members area for as long as the series is available. This allows you to seamlessly integrate the teachings into your daily life at your own pace.

  • Yes, there are options for further learning and deeper exploration through additional courses and retreats. There will also be a dedicated couples retreat in Sri Lanka in February 2025. You may reach out directly for more information on this special event.on

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